The first Avon E-Newletter is available now! Topics include... - Town Manager Ryan Cannon - Farmers Market Info - Avon Schools Performing Arts - Artists in Avon (Karabeth Narvell) - Economic Development Updates - Avon Parks Announcements - Council Corner with Ropert Pope - Upcoming Events Calendar
MAY 2022
AVONGOV.ORG | 317-272-0948
On May 12th, 2022, Avon Town Council will be making a proclamation stating that May 16th will forever be known at "Avon School Band Day". On May 16th, we encourage all to wear Black & Gold, and listen to a song that makes you happy and joyful!
May 22nd- Nate Walk 11am-2pm NateWalk is a fundraising event with the goal of raising money to provide relief for children who have lost a parent. NateWalk is great for people of all ages who would like to walk or run to show support for this cause. Typically, NateWalk routes are 5 kilometers in length. However, participants may walk or run whatever portion they are comfortable with. NateWalk events also offer games, guest appearances, food, and other opportunities to show support such as a silent auction with items donated by various companies and individuals. Events are held once per year in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You do not have to live in these areas to support the cause or participate! Register as a "virtual walker" and pledge to walk or run on your own. To register visit
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Us ing the l ink below, we would love to hear f rom you al l about the good people in Avon Ind i ana . These do not have to be g i ant moments of over- the- top greatness . Goodness to each other happens through the smal lest interact i ons most t imes . Throughout each month we wi l l be rev i ewing submi ss i ons and award ing these amaz ing AVON|NOVA folks wi th a spec i al thank you, and shar ing the i r story wi th you al l . I t ’ s too easy to focus on the bad in the wor ld, i t ’ s t ime now to l i f t up the good. Please help us in f ind ing those ind i v i dual s and tel l ing the i r stor i es . You could al so ass i st us by s impl y shar ing thi s post , and deta i l s , so your f r i ends , fami l i es , ne i ghbors , and anyone el se onl ine can connect and share the good too! : - ) “Good People Shining Br i ght ” avongov .org/nova
On May 12th, 2022, Avon Town Council will be making a proclamation stating that May 16th will forever be known at "Avon School Band Day". On May 16th, we encourage all to wear Black & Gold, and listen to a song that makes you happy and joyful!
Zoom in to take a quick peek at what is going on with the Town of Avon and other local friends through the month of May! Head over to to subscribe to calendars so you'll never miss out on another public meeting or special event.
June 3rd- First concert in the park 7pm-9pm Summer is upon us and that means starting up the FREE Concert in the Park series! We will be kicking it off with Big Roscoe on June 3rd. This year concerts will be held at our brand-new entertainment area, just west of the old barn. The Concert in the Park Series is a collaboration between Avon Town Hall Park, Avon Chamber of Commerce, and the Washington Township Park; with three concerts held in Avon Town Hall Park and three held in Washington Township Park. Thanks to our sponsor, Flora Brothers Painting, for helping to make this happen!
2022 Police Citizens Academy
Avon is amazingly beautiful . In order to keep it that way, we need all Avon residents and business owners to keep the trash in appropriate receptacles. The Town invests money and time trying to keep the Town looking good and differentiating itself from everywhere else. We ask residents to help us by not throwing trash out the window, or on the ground. It's actually cheaper for you to take it home and throw it away in your trash can than throwing it out your window and the Town paying for someone to pick it up.
We appreciate everyone’s help in making Avon a better place to live.
UUDO Thi s Ordinance i s known as the “ Town of Avon Uni f i ed Deve lopment Ordinance , ” and may be c i ted and refer red to as the “ Zoning Ordinance , ” “ Subdi v i s ion Cont rol Ordinance , ” or “ Uni f i ed Deve lopment Ordinance ” Thi s Ordinance i s intended to guide the growth and deve lopment of the communi ty according to the Comprehens i ve Pl an ( cons i s tent wi th IC 36 - 7 - 4 - 601 ( c ) et seq. ) in order to: 1. Promote the publ i c hea l th, safety , and genera l we l fare ; 2. Secure adequate l ight , a i r , conveni ence of access , and safety f rom f i re , f lood, and other danger ; 3. Res t r i ct deve lopment in areas prone to f looding ; 4: Protect the hi s tor i c and archi tectura l her i tage of the communi ty ; 5: Conserve proper ty va lues and minimi ze the conf l i ct s between l and uses ; 6: Assure adequate and ef f i c i ent t ranspor tat ion, water , sewerage , school s , parks , dra inage , and other publ i c requi rement s and fac i l i t i es ; 7: Promote the ef f i c i ent and economi ca l use of publ i c funds whi l e be ing sens i t i ve to the sur rounding env i ronment and ne ighbor ing deve lopment ; and 8: Lessen or avoid conges t ion in publ i c ways .
View the ent i re UDO on the Town of Avons webs i te
avongov .org / udo
On May 12th, 2022, Avon Town Council will be making a proclamation stating that May 16th will forever be known at "Avon School Band Day". On May 16th, we encourage all to wear Black & Gold, and listen to a song that makes you happy and joyful!
June 7th- Farmer’s market 2022 kicks off with an amazing opening day! The Farmer’s Market is full speed ahead with our opening day coming up on June 7th. Our market is filling up fast with an outstanding variety of booths to enjoy. Unique handmade vendors, fresh from the farmer's items, live music, opening day strawberry shortcake, and more! The Avon Farmer’s Market runs every Tuesday from 4-7pm June through August in the Hendricks Regional parking lot just east of the HWY 36 & Dan Jones intersection.
Interested in be ing featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Ema i l your ar twork (pa int ing, photography , d i g i tal , crayons , etc ) to jwade@avongov .org and inc lude your ful l name , age (al l ages wel come! ) , and t i t le of the ar t p i ece.
Zoom in to take a quick peek at what is going on with the Town of Avon and other local friends through the month of June! Head over to to subscribe to calendars so you'll never miss out on another public meeting or special event.
Spring Picture in the Park Contest May 1-31st Get out and enjoy the park, make memories, and snap all the pictures! Our spring picture in the park contest will run May 1-31st. First place winner will receive a FREE full shelter rental ($150 Value), and five runners-up will win an amazing Chick-Fil-A gift card! More details on how to enter will be announced as we draw closer to May, so be ready to capture those moments! Watch our Facebook Page and the website for all the info!
The Town of Avon has been hosting Council Conversations with the public over the last few months. The goal of
these conversations are to provide an open and safe space, outside of Town Hall, to talk about what is important to YOU. Recently, Planning Director Bill Peeples, Town Manager Ryan Cannon, Council President Robert Pope, and Council Member Greg Zusan was at the Avon/Washington Township Library discussing the new UDO, and what
the Town can and can not legally do in regards to what is built within the Town limits.
On May 12th, 2022, Avon Town Council will be making a proclamation stating that May 16th will forever be known at "Avon School Band Day". On May 16th, we encourage all to wear Black & Gold, and listen to a song that makes you happy and joyful!
What’s new in the park maintenance world?
The maintenance crew has been out and about installing doggie stations! After receiving several requests from the trail users, four dog waste stations have been installed on the White Lick Trail. The stations are located in the south end of the trail near East County Road 100 South, the intersection of the access trail from the Washington Township Splash Pad parking lot, the intersection of the connector trail from South County Road 625 East close to the iron truss bridge, and approximately halfway between E. US Highway 36 and E. CR 600 North. After only one week the Parks Staff has found all of the stations are being used… which tells you poo-bags are never far away!
https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN
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