Avon E-Newsletter - September 2021


I was able to at tend Nat ional Night Out on August 3rd held at the Lowes Parking Lot and was able to ass i st in the di st r ibut ion of hot dogs to at tendees . I enjoyed the oppor tuni ty to help and was proud of how the event por t rayed the Town and Pol icing in a pos i t ive l ight . I was t ruly moved by the output of suppor t in the Avon Communi ty for Law Enforcement . Thank you to al l that at tended and par t icipated in the event . I f you mi ssed i t , I hope that you can join us next year . I t i s impor tant to our communi ty and our Pol ice Depar tment to stay connected. I t i s easy for us as res idents to forget that every day when we are going about our rout ine act ivi t ies that we are able to do them because the Pol ice are out there protect ing us . Thank you, Avon Pol ice Depar tment !

Const ruct ion on CR 100 S i s progress ing on schedule and i s f inal ly star t ing to look l ike a road. Many people don’ t recogni ze i t but a large por t ion of const ruct ion occurs underground where you can’ t see i t . Thi s underground work i s the foundat ion that the road i s bui l t on. Wi thout i t the f ini shed product l ike curbs , asphal t , grass and landscaping would crumble and fal l apar t . That underground work i s f inal ly winding down so people wi l l star t to not ice the more exci t ing por t ion of the project being done. We appreciate everyone’ s pat ience as we complete thi s ext remely impor tant project . When complete, i t wi l l be an incredible new asset to the communi ty and wi l l have a profound impact on improving t raf f ic f low for East/West t raf f ic. Over the last 5 years the Town has purchased several new park proper t ies . Several of them are in the des ign process and new improvements are just around the corner in 2023. The Town al so added 35 more acres to our inventory in the last 60 days . The new proper ty i s on the west s ide of CR 625 E and connects to the Town Hal l Park. We are very for tunate to have acqui red i t and are grateful to the Summer lot Fami ly for sel l ing i t to us . We can’ t wai t to reveal i t to the publ ic. I t i s going to be a fantast ic park. The proper ty has a smal l lake, rol l ing hi l l s , and incredible views . The Whi te Lick Creek runs along the west s ide of the proper ty. Purchas ing the proper ty wi l l al low the Town to connect the Whi te Lick Creek Trai l to the Town Hal l Park wi thout cross ing US 36 in the future. Over the next year we wi l l be developing a master plan for the park and we look forward to get t ing feedback f rom the publ ic as our vi s ion for the proper ty makes i ts way to paper .

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