Graduat ing f rom Center Grove High School and playing Footbal l , O' r ion Elder was of fered a scholarship to play for the Univers i ty of Indianapol i s , then ul t imately ending up at the Pol ice Academy as a tui t ion student . Avon Pol ice Depar tment brought O' r ion on to the team in Apr i l of 2017. On June 29th, 2021 , O' r ion was honored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Dr iving) for hi s cont inued enforcement , educat ion, and invest igat ion of impai red dr iving. Hi s pass ion took a jump forward when he was cal led out to the scene of an accident on Chr i stmas morning a few years ago. He recal l s that when he ar r ived on the scene, he real i zed that the impai red dr iver af fected more than just the other dr iver . I t af fected thei r fami ly, f r iends , loved ones , and more. That moment st i l l stands out to him today. O' r ion just completed DRE School (Drug Recogni t ion Exper t ) that wi l l give him even more ins ight and educat ion into keeping our roads and res idents safe. Thank you O' r ion for al l you do!
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