Avon E-Newsletter - July 2021


2021 has a TON going on, here are just a few things Town Manager Ryan Cannon would l ike to share wi th you al l . The best event I ’ve at tended recent ly was the Concer t by the Creek. I t i s a great par tnership between the Town and the Township. I t was paid for and staf fed by the Avon Parks Depar tment but hosted at Washington Township Park. I t was the per fect night wi th beaut i ful weather . My daughter and I parked at the Town’ s gravel t rai lhead of f CR 100 S. We walked on the Whi te Lick Creek Trai l to the Park. I t was real ly cool to walk up and see al l the people spread out throughout the Park l i stening to l ive mus ic.

We hung out , l i stened to mus ic, played corn hole, and got a root beer and popcorn f rom Kiwani s . I t was fun spending t ime wi th my daughter and par t icipat ing in a communi ty event . Find out more on page 14. I ’m real ly exci ted about “Night at the Park. ” The Avon Parks Depar tment has done an outstanding job of planning Night at the Park, and there couldn’ t be a bet ter venue than the Town Hal l Park. The Fi reworks ref lect ion in the Lake i s going to be real ly cool to see. See more about Night at the Park on page 14. I know that the cur rent t raf f ic s i tuat ion i s f rust rat ing for bus inesses and dr ivers , but the improvements to US 36 and CR 100 S are going to be game-changers in terms of faci l i tat ing bet ter t raf f ic movement for the Town in the future. We appreciate everyone’ s pat ience and understanding, and we are looking forward to these projects wrapping up towards the end of thi s year . Take a peek at photos f rom the s i te on page 11 .

photo f rom Washington Township Fi re Stat ion 144 Groundbreaking

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