A new bus iness park wi l l take shape thi s year . Located on Ronald Reagan on the Nor ths ide of the communi ty where the old ai rpor t was located. Thi s park wi l l be known as Avon Landing. Thi s development wi l l under take the const ruct ion of two bui ldings thi s year . These bui ldings wi l l be bui l t on a speculat ive bas i s and wi l l be avai lable for new indust ry in 2022. Addi t ional ly, there wi l l be some const ruct ion beginning thi s year on Ronald Reagan on the Souths ide of the town as you enter Avon. We al so have some interest f rom a company that bui lds bui ldings for bus inesses that have star ted in thei r "garage" and now need more space to keep moving thei r company forward. Known as an Incubator , or Accelerator , these companies may spend two to f ive years cont inuing to grow thei r companies to move into an even larger bui lding in one of our bus iness parks in the future. Thi s i s just the t ip of the iceberg so to speak, and we have a plethora of projects in the works that wi l l benef i t the Town of Avon into the future and beyond. Stay tuned because there are lots of updates coming soon!
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