Avon E-Newsletter - July 2021

CR 100 S Reconstruct ion We are st i l l ant icipat ing opening the road to t raf f ic in November .

CR 100 N / Raceway Road Roundabout Thi s i s l i sted as one of the top 50 most dangerous intersect ions in a study by the IMPO in December 2016. We have received RFQ responses f rom s ix (6) engineer ing f i rms for cons iderat ion to complete the prel iminary des ign of a roundabout for thi s intersect ion. We wi l l select a f i rm by July 8. CR 150 S / Avon High School Traff ic Signal The s ide st reet vehicle detect ion i s not working and our t raf f ic s ignal maintenance cont ractor i s to get us a pr ice to repai r vs instal l microwave detect ion vs opt ical detect ion. CR 150 S / Dan Jones Road Traff ic Signal The t raf f ic s ignal cont rol ler has a gl i tch ( technical way of saying we don’ t know why i t fai l s ) that makes the s ignal go to f lash, of ten at per iods of high t raf f ic volumes . We are get t ing a new cont rol ler and ( hopeful ly ) a used cont rol cabinet that should resolve the i ssue. We can then have thi s equipment as a good spare when thi s intersect ion becomes a roundabout . CR 100 N / Raceway Road Traff ic Signal The t raf f ic s ignal cont rol cabinet , cont rol ler , and equipment are cur rent ly rented. We are get t ing a new cont rol ler and ( hopeful ly ) a used cont rol cabinet and anci l lary components for a cost lower than we would spend on a year ’ s rental . We can then have thi s equipment as a good spare when thi s intersect ion becomes a roundabout in a couple of years .

Whi te Lick Creek Trai l Phase 5 Di scuss ion of Phase 5 des ign i s ongoing.


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