Avon E-Newsletter - May 2021


Hi , my name i s Ryan Cannon and I am the new Town Manager for the Town of Avon. Hav ing l i ved in Avon s ince 2003 and worked for the Town s ince 1999, I am exci ted to cont inue encouraging and leading Avon to our focus of 'One St rong Communi ty ' . A graduate of Indi ana Uni vers i ty wi th a degree in Publ ic Management . I am mar r ied to my wi fe Col leen and I have two daughters Chloe ( 14) and Pa ige ( 11 ) . In September of 2020, I was appointed Town Manager , prev ious ly serv ing as the Publ ic Works Di rector .

Whi le in that pos i t ion, I am proud to say that I was able to lead our team on over 28 projects over a per iod of 14 years as par t of the Town’ s Go Avon Program at a cost of more than $120 mi l l ion dol l ars for road and t ra i l const ruct ion projects . Thi s included the des ign and const ruct ion of the Avon Avenue Br idge which INDOT was unable to bui ld in over 35 years due to the complex i ty of the project . Under my leadership, the project was des igned wi thin two years and completed wi thin 4. The complet ion of thi s impor tant project has changed the ent i re complex ion of the Town. Recent ly I lead the implementat ion of the Town’ s f i rst Recreat ion Impact Fee which has a l lowed the town to ra i se over $4,000,000 over the l ast 10 years , which has a l lowed the Town to expand our parks by purchas ing addi t iona l park l and and bui lding mi les of new t ra i l s to connect the communi ty, prov ide recreat ion oppor tuni t ies , and improve qua l i ty of l i fe. As Town Manager , I am look ing forward to leading the Town into the future. In my opinion, Avon i s the best Communi ty in Hendr icks County. We are going to do thi s by work ing and improv ing rel at ionships wi th the Township, School Corporat ion, Hendr icks County, and the Library, di vers i fying the tax base and br inging indust r i a l development a long Rona ld Reagan Parkway and CR 100 S, and increas ing qua l i ty and standards for development to name a few.

We are Avon, and we are One Strong Communi ty !

rcannon@avongov.org 317-272-0948


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