By John Taylor | Economic Development Di rector j
Exci t ing happenings about to burst onto the scene in Avon. As you a l l know, our town has grown s ince i ts beginnings in popul at ion, hous ing, and reta i l shopping. Where we haven’ t shown much growth i s in the area of investment in the communi ty f rom companies outs ide of Avon. We l ack the companies that prov ide jobs and investments that help to lower taxes and of fer employment oppor tuni t ies to our ci t i zens . Thi s year , we wi l l begin to see indust ry-bui lding faci l i t ies in Avon that wi l l of fer new work poss ibi l i t ies , new taxes in the town, and proper ty tax changes on the proper t ies where they wi l l bui ld. Avon wi l l see new s igns go up where new bus iness parks wi l l begin. On 100S, a group known as Chicago Indust r i a l , in the new Avon Logi st ics Park , wi l l open up 500 acres for new bus iness oppor tuni t ies . As you may know, 100S i s undergoing a t ransformat ion of i ts own to accommodate the new t raf f ic that thi s park wi l l br ing. Over the next 10 years , thi s proper ty wi l l prov ide oppor tuni t ies for up to 2,500 people to work in Avon. A lot of these jobs wi l l be f i l led by people l i v ing in Avon who now leave the county to go to work every day. Thi s wi l l a l so open up oppor tuni t ies for students who do not intend to cont inue thei r school ing past high school . .
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