Avon E-Newsletter - March 2022

We would love to hear about the good people in Avon Ind i ana . These do not have to be g i ant moments of over- the- top greatness . Goodness to each other happens through the smal lest interact i ons most t imes . Throughout each month we wi l l be rev i ewing submi ss i ons and award ing these amaz ing AVON|NOVA folks wi th a spec i al thank you, and shar ing the i r story wi th you al l . I t ’ s too easy to focus on the bad in the wor ld, i t ’ s t ime now to l i f t up the good. Please feel f ree to submi t mul t i ple people i f you des i re , just remember that no act i s too smal l . Together , we are one st rong communi t y !

avongov.org/nova or scan the QR code here

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