Avon E-Newsletter - March 2022

The first Avon E-Newletter is available now! Topics include... - Town Manager Ryan Cannon - Farmers Market Info - Avon Schools Performing Arts - Artists in Avon (Karabeth Narvell) - Economic Development Updates - Avon Parks Announcements - Council Corner with Ropert Pope - Upcoming Events Calendar





The February 2022 Avon Nova award winner i s Chel sea Ne i swinger . Chel sea and her husband Brad have l i ved in Avon Ind i ana s ince 2017 wi th the i r 7-year-old son Owen, and 4- year-old son Emmet t . She current l y owns and operates her onl ine med i a company f rom her home , whi ch means she i s not onl y a res i dent of Avon, but she i s al so a smal l bus iness owner ! Whi le chat t ing wi th her Husband Brad, he ment i oned that Chel sea “enj oys tak ing the i r k i ds to the parks in and around town” . At some po int in the future , anyone in Avon mi ght see Chel sea , Owen, and Emmet t walk ing the t ra i l s , or play ing on the playground. I f you do , take a moment and say hel lo. The Avon Nova award i s focused on smal l , everyday good things that the communi t y i s do ing. Brad shared wi th us . . . “ I want to nominate my wi fe , Chel sea Ne i swinger for her work in get t ing baby t ravel systems to refugees f rom Afghani stan that were stay ing at Camp At terbury . ” Ne i swinger cont inued “Us ing her soc i al med i a plat forms she put a cal l out to gather monetary donat i ons as wel l as made her own total ing $7 , 800 whi ch resul ted in the purchase of 50 systems to send to Camp At terbury . Her work meant that every expectant and new mother at the refugee camp had a car seat and st rol ler to use and keep once they obta ined res i dency in the US. I knew when I saw the town was look ing for good news stor i es that thi s f i t the b i l l . ” Chel sea , thank you for be ing a shining l i ght in Avon. . . Thank you for us ing your sk i l l s and talents to help those that are in need. . . Thank you for be ing there for mothers and fami l i es when they needed someone. . . Thank you for al l you have done , al l you do , and al l you wi l l do in the future wi th Brad, Owen, and Emmet t by your s i de. On behal f of the ent i re Town of Avon, we present our February 2022 Avon Nova winner… Chel sea Ne i swinger !



Interested in be ing featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Ema i l your ar twork (pa int ing, photography , d i g i tal , crayons , etc ) to jwade@avongov .org and inc lude your ful l name , age (al l ages wel come! ) , and t i t le of the ar t p i ece.

To star t the new year of 2022 , the Town of Avon i s proud to present our f i rst Avon Nova award to a res i dent that has shown that tak ing care of others i s what mat ters most . Growing up in Crawfordsv i l le , thi s Avon res i dent served in the Uni ted States Ai r Force for 6 years whi le earning two bachelor ’ s degrees . He i s an av i d car enthus i ast , a hard worker , current l y work ing at Force Log i st i cs as the branch manager , has enj oyed coaching sof tbal l in Avon for many years , and puts people f i rst . He and hi s wi fe Dana l i ve here in Avon whi le ra i s ing the i r twin daughters Breawna and Makay la . “Spreads k indness throughout Avon” i s a quote that sums him up. Pay ing for the elder l y and ret i red veteran’ s meal s when he i s d ining out , g i v ing wel l -deserved gratui t y to wa i ters , wa i t resses , cashi ers , stockmen or anyone he comes across are just a few elements that he enj oys be ing able to do for others . You know those lemonade stands that k i ds put on around town? Not onl y does he stop but i t i s common for him to pay $20 for a s ingle glass . Hi s s i ster , Stacy , submi t ted hi s nominat i on, and to take a quote f rom her submi ss i on… “Mi chael i s humble and would never at tend our meet ing i f he knew he was rece i v ing thi s award. Avon i s a bet ter place to l i ve in wi th people l i ke him. ” We couldn’ t agree more. Mi chael , thank you for shining br i ght l y . Thank you for think ing of others f i rst . Thank you for serv ing thi s count ry and suppor t ing others that have as wel l . Thank you for al l you have done , al l you do , and al l you wi l l do. On behal f of the ent i re Town of Avon, we present thi s award and cer t i f i cate to our January 2022 Avon Nova winner… Mi chael Query !

Avon is amazingly beautiful . In order to keep it that way, we need all Avon residents and business owners to keep the trash in appropriate receptacles. The Town invests money and time trying to keep the Town looking good and differentiating itself from everywhere else. We ask residents to help us by not throwing trash out the window, or on the ground. It's actually cheaper for you to take it home and throw it away in your trash can than throwing it out your window and the Town paying for someone to pick it up.

We appreciate everyone’s help in making Avon a better place to live.

AVON PARKS AND RECREATION by Delbert Harmon | Parks Programmer

We are happy to announce we are work ing wi th Whi te Oak Elementary School . To prov i de our annual Arbor Day Program. In 2008 , the Town of Avon star ted an Arbor Day Tree Program wi th Avon School . Each year , a d i f ferent school i s chosen. Town Staf f plants t rees on the selected school proper t y . They al so put on a smal l educat i onal program for a select group of students . Between 3 and 5 t rees wi l l be planted. The Avon Parks Depar tment wi l l be hav ing a t ree sale f rom March 21st through Apr i l 22nd. Al l Avon res i dents , who l i ve wi thin incorporated town l imi ts , can opt - in for f ree t ree del i very . We have 11 t rees to choose f rom and 3 shrubs as wel l . You can v i s i t avonparks . recdesk. com to f ind the order form and more deta i l s .


The Avon Parks Depar tment team i s look ing for a par t - t ime Program and Event Planner , and you could be the per fect f i t . The Program and Event Planner wi l l focus on ass i st ing in market ing, organi z ing, and superv i s ing ex i st ing programs . The Program and Event Planner works wi th the depar tment to improve communi cat i ons for the parks and communi t y under the general d i rect i on of the Parks Di rector and Program and Event Coord inator . Work i s sub j ect to evaluat i on on the bas i s of resul ts obta ined. V i ew the ful l j ob descr i pt i on on our webs i te at : ht tps : / /avonparks . recdesk. com Ema i l your resume to Program and Event Coord inator Delber t Harmon at dharmon@avongov .org The Parks Depar tment i s prepar ing for the spr ing. They are c leaning, inspect ing, and do ing ma intenance checks on al l lawnmowers and spr ing equi pment . Last l y , as some of you mi ght have seen, we are work ing on a concrete s lab just west of the old barn. Thi s should be done in ear l y spr ing and wi l l of fer new programming oppor tuni t i es , inc lud ing concer ts , shows , and d i f ferent forms of enter ta inment .

We would love to hear about the good people in Avon Ind i ana . These do not have to be g i ant moments of over- the- top greatness . Goodness to each other happens through the smal lest interact i ons most t imes . Throughout each month we wi l l be rev i ewing submi ss i ons and award ing these amaz ing AVON|NOVA folks wi th a spec i al thank you, and shar ing the i r story wi th you al l . I t ’ s too easy to focus on the bad in the wor ld, i t ’ s t ime now to l i f t up the good. Please feel f ree to submi t mul t i ple people i f you des i re , just remember that no act i s too smal l . Together , we are one st rong communi t y !

avongov.org/nova or scan the QR code here

I f you are new to Avon or planning on instal l ing an alarm system, Avon Town Ordinance, 4-24, states al l res idences or bus inesses who have an alarm system must obtain an Alarm Permi t f rom the Town. Res ident ial permi ts are $50 for a two-year permi t and Bus iness permi ts are $50 for a one-year permi t . Alarm Permi t appl icat ions can be found at the Towns webpage, or on the town' s Linkt ree page.

https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN > Alarm Permi ts 2021


https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN

2 - Storm Water Management Meet ing 5 - Ar tscape @ the Li brary 10 - Avon Town Counc i l Meet ing wi th Work Sess i on 11 - Cof fee & Canvas @ Pecar Park 12 - Fr i ends of the Li brary Book Sale @ the Li brary 17 - Avon Board of Zoning Appeal s Meet ing 21 - Explorer Camp Star ts wi th Washington Townshi p Parks 23 - Homeschool Days Mini Greenhouse @ Pecar Park 24 - Avon Town Counc i l Meet ing 28 - Avon Plan Commi ss i on Meet ing

2 - Eggst ravaganza @ Pecar Park 6 - Avon Parks , Recreat i on, and Beaut i f i cat i on Counc i l Meet ing 9 - Sensory Easter @ Pecar Park 14 - Avon Town Counc i l wi th Work Sess i on 18 - Avon RDA and RDC Meet ing 19 - Greater Avon Jo int Work Sess i on 21 - Avon Board of Zoning Appeal s Meet ing 23 - Ear th Day Hi ke @ Pock Woods 25 - Avon Plan Commi ss i on Meet ing 28 - Avon Town Counc i l Meet ing

These are just some of the things happening in Avon. Visi t avongov.org > ' I Want To' > 'View Events ' for more!

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