Avon E-Newsletter - September 2021

Submi t ted by Br i t tany, August 2021 we recogni ze Suzy and Joe Wal ton. Br i t tany stated that Suzy and Joe are sel f less individual s , and they go above and beyond to help anyone t ime and t ime again. Suzy has been Br i t tany’ s babys i t ter for over 6 years , and there are mul t iple occas ions where Suzy and Joe have gone and bought clothes for kids when thei r parents were st ruggl ing. I f they not ice a parent i s overwhelmed wi th l i fe, they of fer to keep them for some ext ra t ime so the parent can get a break. One t ime, they went above and beyond when a young gi r l in the communi ty commi t ted suicide. They took the lead at the celebrat ion of l i fe helping things run smoothly. You don’ t have to ask for anything wi th Suzy and Joe around, thi s “dynamic duo” just steps in and knows exact ly what to do. When COVID happened, Br i t tany got cal led to work in the hospi tal to help as a nurse. Suzy and Joe dropped thei r camper of f in her dr iveway so she could shower wi thout having to wor ry about taking the germs ins ide her house. They kept her kids the night af ter she would work so she could decompress . Suzy and Joe just took cont rol of the s i tuat ion and let Br i t tany know how they were helping. I f everyone in Avon were as car ing as these two, our town would be s imply amaz ing! Suzy and Joe, thank you for being a shining l ight in thi s wor ld. Thank you for car ing for those that need i t wi thout asking. Thank you for suppor t ing our heal th care workers when they were suppor t ing us . Thank you for teaching and car ing for the chi ldren of the communi ty, and showing them the values of being a good and decent human.

On behal f of the ent i re Town of Avon, thank you Suzy and Joe Wal ton, and we present thi s cer t i f icate of recogni t ion and award to you both for t ruly being an AVON|NOVA.

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