Avon E-Newsletter - July 2021

The first Avon E-Newletter is available now! Topics include... - Town Manager Ryan Cannon - Farmers Market Info - Avon Schools Performing Arts - Artists in Avon (Karabeth Narvell) - Economic Development Updates - Avon Parks Announcements - Council Corner with Ropert Pope - Upcoming Events Calendar


AVON OFFICER O'RION ELDER RECEIVES AWARD MADD recogni zes Of f icer Elder for outstanding work ! AVON SCHOOL IS WELCOMING KINDERGARTENERS School i s star t ing soon, are your k ids regi stered? NOT 1 , BUT 2 ARTISTS Thi s month we have 2 featured ar t i st f rom Avon, showing of f thei r drawing and photography sk i l l s !


2021 has a TON going on, here are just a few things Town Manager Ryan Cannon would l ike to share wi th you al l . The best event I ’ve at tended recent ly was the Concer t by the Creek. I t i s a great par tnership between the Town and the Township. I t was paid for and staf fed by the Avon Parks Depar tment but hosted at Washington Township Park. I t was the per fect night wi th beaut i ful weather . My daughter and I parked at the Town’ s gravel t rai lhead of f CR 100 S. We walked on the Whi te Lick Creek Trai l to the Park. I t was real ly cool to walk up and see al l the people spread out throughout the Park l i stening to l ive mus ic.

We hung out , l i stened to mus ic, played corn hole, and got a root beer and popcorn f rom Kiwani s . I t was fun spending t ime wi th my daughter and par t icipat ing in a communi ty event . Find out more on page 14. I ’m real ly exci ted about “Night at the Park. ” The Avon Parks Depar tment has done an outstanding job of planning Night at the Park, and there couldn’ t be a bet ter venue than the Town Hal l Park. The Fi reworks ref lect ion in the Lake i s going to be real ly cool to see. See more about Night at the Park on page 14. I know that the cur rent t raf f ic s i tuat ion i s f rust rat ing for bus inesses and dr ivers , but the improvements to US 36 and CR 100 S are going to be game-changers in terms of faci l i tat ing bet ter t raf f ic movement for the Town in the future. We appreciate everyone’ s pat ience and understanding, and we are looking forward to these projects wrapping up towards the end of thi s year . Take a peek at photos f rom the s i te on page 11 .

photo f rom Washington Township Fi re Stat ion 144 Groundbreaking

We are exci ted to host our annual Nat ional Night Out Against Cr ime Event thi s year on August 3rd from 4pm to 8pm! Al though our 2020 event was canceled, we are conf i rming returning vendors , donat ions , and pr i zes for our 2021 event . I f you are new to Avon, be sure to mark your calendar ! Thanks to the planning and generos i ty of our communi ty par tners , we are able to faci l i tate an evening of FREE food, t reats , pr i zes , and at t ract ions for the whole fami ly! Be sure to check out our Facebook event and RSVP to receive updates !

A special thanks to Lowes in Avon for host ing our 2021 event !



Interested in being featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Emai l your ar twork (paint ing, photography, digi tal , crayons , etc) to jwade@avongov.org and include your ful l name, age (al l ages welcome! ) , and t i t le of the ar t piece.


Hosted by the Town of Avon at the Avon Hendr icks Regional Heal th parking lot .

Every Tuesday June 1st through September 14th, 2021 f rom 4-7 pm. South Park ing Lot of the Avon Hendr icks Regiona l Hea l th Bui lding 8244 E US Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123



Parents , i f your chi ld wi l l be age 5 by August 1 , there' s st i l l t ime to regi ster him or her for kindergar ten. Don' t wai t . You can regi ster today! ht tps : //bi t . ly/3bp2tQJ


A new bus iness park wi l l take shape thi s year . Located on Ronald Reagan on the Nor ths ide of the communi ty where the old ai rpor t was located. Thi s park wi l l be known as Avon Landing. Thi s development wi l l under take the const ruct ion of two bui ldings thi s year . These bui ldings wi l l be bui l t on a speculat ive bas i s and wi l l be avai lable for new indust ry in 2022. Addi t ional ly, there wi l l be some const ruct ion beginning thi s year on Ronald Reagan on the Souths ide of the town as you enter Avon. We al so have some interest f rom a company that bui lds bui ldings for bus inesses that have star ted in thei r "garage" and now need more space to keep moving thei r company forward. Known as an Incubator , or Accelerator , these companies may spend two to f ive years cont inuing to grow thei r companies to move into an even larger bui lding in one of our bus iness parks in the future. Thi s i s just the t ip of the iceberg so to speak, and we have a plethora of projects in the works that wi l l benef i t the Town of Avon into the future and beyond. Stay tuned because there are lots of updates coming soon!



We would love to hear f rom you al l about the good people in Avon Indiana. These do not have to be giant moments of over-the-top greatness . Goodness to each other happens through the smal lest interact ions most t imes . Throughout each month we wi l l be reviewing submi ss ions and awarding these amaz ing AVON|NOVA folks wi th a special thank you, and shar ing thei r story wi th you al l . I t ’ s too easy to focus on the bad in the wor ld, i t ’ s t ime now to l i f t up the good.

Please feel f ree to submi t mul t iple people i f you des i re, just remember that no act i s too smal l . We are one st rong, proud communi ty!

avongov.org > ' I Want To' > 'Submi t an AVON|NOVA Nominat ion'


CR 100 S Reconstruct ion We are st i l l ant icipat ing opening the road to t raf f ic in November .

CR 100 N / Raceway Road Roundabout Thi s i s l i sted as one of the top 50 most dangerous intersect ions in a study by the IMPO in December 2016. We have received RFQ responses f rom s ix (6) engineer ing f i rms for cons iderat ion to complete the prel iminary des ign of a roundabout for thi s intersect ion. We wi l l select a f i rm by July 8. CR 150 S / Avon High School Traff ic Signal The s ide st reet vehicle detect ion i s not working and our t raf f ic s ignal maintenance cont ractor i s to get us a pr ice to repai r vs instal l microwave detect ion vs opt ical detect ion. CR 150 S / Dan Jones Road Traff ic Signal The t raf f ic s ignal cont rol ler has a gl i tch ( technical way of saying we don’ t know why i t fai l s ) that makes the s ignal go to f lash, of ten at per iods of high t raf f ic volumes . We are get t ing a new cont rol ler and ( hopeful ly ) a used cont rol cabinet that should resolve the i ssue. We can then have thi s equipment as a good spare when thi s intersect ion becomes a roundabout . CR 100 N / Raceway Road Traff ic Signal The t raf f ic s ignal cont rol cabinet , cont rol ler , and equipment are cur rent ly rented. We are get t ing a new cont rol ler and ( hopeful ly ) a used cont rol cabinet and anci l lary components for a cost lower than we would spend on a year ’ s rental . We can then have thi s equipment as a good spare when thi s intersect ion becomes a roundabout in a couple of years .

Whi te Lick Creek Trai l Phase 5 Di scuss ion of Phase 5 des ign i s ongoing.


Storm Water Ut i l i ty

Storm Water Ut i l i ty Second-quar ter bi l l s wi l l go out in July.

Drainage i ssues have been ident i f ied and our cont ractor i s to begin work as soon as the areas are dry enough.

Streambank Protect ion Whi te Lick Creek The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers i s complet ing the f inal des ign for st reambank protect ion on Whi te Lick Creek/CR 625 near WCCD. The Town i s working on r ight-of -way acqui s i t ion.

Publ ic Works

2021 MIP HMA & Mi l l ing (2021) – Des ign i s underway. The project should bid in July.

Fog Seal/Preservat ive Seal – RejuveTech was the successful bidder and should begin work in the next few weeks . They wi l l star t in Hol low Brook and Pines West . Other neighborhoods include Avon Woods , Water ford Lakes , Cobblestone Spr ings , Park Place, Harvest Ridge, and Mapleton at Wynne Farms . Crack Seal – Harding Group was the successful bidder and wi l l begin work af ter RejuveTech completes thei r work in Hol low Brook and Pines West . Subdivi s ions to receive crack seal s include Lexington Woods , Stonemi l l , and Oak Bend. Ronald Reagan wi l l al so be crack sealed.

Pavement Marking – Indiana Sign and Bar r icade was the successful bidder and wi l l begin work af ter the crack seal ing on Ronald Reagan are complete.

Roadside Mowing and Trash Pickup Our cont ractors cont inue to mow, clean, and complete mi scel laneous projects . The south shoulders on the Dan one CSX br idge received stone in the ruts recent ly. Supplemental s ignage for several roundabouts has been received and wi l l be instal led soon. Most ly lane cont rol s ignage.

Traff ic Calming The t raf f ic calming pol icy has been modi f ied and i s in the approval process .


100S Construction

100S Construction

Chicago Industrial

100S Construction




Interested in being featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Emai l your ar twork (paint ing, photography, digi tal , crayons , etc) to jwade@avongov.org and include your ful l name, age (al l ages welcome! ) , and t i t le of the ar t piece.



Graduat ing f rom Center Grove High School and playing Footbal l , O' r ion Elder was of fered a scholarship to play for the Univers i ty of Indianapol i s , then ul t imately ending up at the Pol ice Academy as a tui t ion student . Avon Pol ice Depar tment brought O' r ion on to the team in Apr i l of 2017. On June 29th, 2021 , O' r ion was honored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Dr iving) for hi s cont inued enforcement , educat ion, and invest igat ion of impai red dr iving. Hi s pass ion took a jump forward when he was cal led out to the scene of an accident on Chr i stmas morning a few years ago. He recal l s that when he ar r ived on the scene, he real i zed that the impai red dr iver af fected more than just the other dr iver . I t af fected thei r fami ly, f r iends , loved ones , and more. That moment st i l l stands out to him today. O' r ion just completed DRE School (Drug Recogni t ion Exper t ) that wi l l give him even more ins ight and educat ion into keeping our roads and res idents safe. Thank you O' r ion for al l you do!


Avon is amazingly beautiful . In order to keep it that way, we need all Avon residents and business owners to keep the trash in appropriate receptacles. The Town invests money and time trying to keep the Town looking good and differentiating itself from Marion County. We ask residents to help us by not throwing trash out the window, or on the ground. It's actually cheaper for you to take it home and throw it away in your trash can than throwing it out your window and the Town paying for someone to pick it up.

We appreciate everyone’s help in making Avon a better place to live.

3 - Night at the Park 5 - TOWN HALL CLOSED 6 - Avon Farmers Market 8 - Town Counci l Meet ing 9 - Concer t by the Creek 13 - Avon Farmers Market 15 - Board of Zoning Appeal s Meet ing 18-24 - Hendr icks County 4-H Fai r 20 - Avon Farmers Market 22 - Town Counci l Meet ing 26 - Plan Commi ss ion Meet ing 27 - Avon Farmers Market

3 - Avon Farmers Market 3 - Avon Pol ice Department Nat ional Night Out 6 - Concer t by the Creek 10 - Avon Farmers Market 12 - Town Counci l Meet ing 17 - Avon Farmers Market 19 - Board of Zoning Appeal s Meet ing 20 - Movies on the Hi l l ( The Lion King ) 23 - Plan Commi ss ion Meet ing 24 - Avon Farmers Market 26 - Town Counci l Meet ing 31 - Avon Farmers Market

These are just some of the things happening in Avon. Visi t avongov.org > ' I Want To' > 'View Events ' for more! AVON E-NEWSLETTER | PAGE 18

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