Storm Water Ut i l i ty
Storm Water Ut i l i ty Second-quar ter bi l l s wi l l go out in July.
Drainage i ssues have been ident i f ied and our cont ractor i s to begin work as soon as the areas are dry enough.
Streambank Protect ion Whi te Lick Creek The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers i s complet ing the f inal des ign for st reambank protect ion on Whi te Lick Creek/CR 625 near WCCD. The Town i s working on r ight-of -way acqui s i t ion.
Publ ic Works
2021 MIP HMA & Mi l l ing (2021) – Des ign i s underway. The project should bid in July.
Fog Seal/Preservat ive Seal – RejuveTech was the successful bidder and should begin work in the next few weeks . They wi l l star t in Hol low Brook and Pines West . Other neighborhoods include Avon Woods , Water ford Lakes , Cobblestone Spr ings , Park Place, Harvest Ridge, and Mapleton at Wynne Farms . Crack Seal – Harding Group was the successful bidder and wi l l begin work af ter RejuveTech completes thei r work in Hol low Brook and Pines West . Subdivi s ions to receive crack seal s include Lexington Woods , Stonemi l l , and Oak Bend. Ronald Reagan wi l l al so be crack sealed.
Pavement Marking – Indiana Sign and Bar r icade was the successful bidder and wi l l begin work af ter the crack seal ing on Ronald Reagan are complete.
Roadside Mowing and Trash Pickup Our cont ractors cont inue to mow, clean, and complete mi scel laneous projects . The south shoulders on the Dan one CSX br idge received stone in the ruts recent ly. Supplemental s ignage for several roundabouts has been received and wi l l be instal led soon. Most ly lane cont rol s ignage.
Traff ic Calming The t raf f ic calming pol icy has been modi f ied and i s in the approval process .
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