We are a l so wa i t ing for the groundbreak ing for a new Costco that has chosen Avon over a number of other communi t ies for a new locat ion. Being s i tuated di rect ly across f rom Andy Mohr Toyota, thi s new development wi l l a l so have the oppor tuni ty for s i x addi t iona l bus inesses on US36 whi le leav ing space for another reta i l space in the back end of the development . And whi le you are on US36, watch as a new restaurant or two come out of the ground in f ront of Sator i Point . One restaurant , Cooper ’ s Hawk , wi l l be f ine dining and the other wi l l be one that many of our ci t i zens have eaten in as they have t raveled around the Midwest . Zaxby ' s !
Please keep watching as there may be some other announcements before the year i s over . We are work ing hard to help grow the communi ty wi th an eye to the future.
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