Avon E-Newsletter - May 2021

The first Avon E-Newletter is available now! Topics include... - Town Manager Ryan Cannon - Farmers Market Info - Avon Schools Performing Arts - Artists in Avon (Karabeth Narvell) - Economic Development Updates - Avon Parks Announcements - Council Corner with Ropert Pope - Upcoming Events Calendar


WHO IS THE NEW TOWN MANAGER? Find out more about Town Manager Ryan Cannon, hi s achievements so far and hi s goa l s for the future. AVON SCHOOL PERFORMING ARTS Commi tment and suppor t to fur ther mus ic educat ion. FARMERS MARKET AND MORE IN 2021 ! Learn more about the Avon Farmers Market , Di r t Works , Concer t by the Creek and other act i v i t ies .


Hi , my name i s Ryan Cannon and I am the new Town Manager for the Town of Avon. Hav ing l i ved in Avon s ince 2003 and worked for the Town s ince 1999, I am exci ted to cont inue encouraging and leading Avon to our focus of 'One St rong Communi ty ' . A graduate of Indi ana Uni vers i ty wi th a degree in Publ ic Management . I am mar r ied to my wi fe Col leen and I have two daughters Chloe ( 14) and Pa ige ( 11 ) . In September of 2020, I was appointed Town Manager , prev ious ly serv ing as the Publ ic Works Di rector .

Whi le in that pos i t ion, I am proud to say that I was able to lead our team on over 28 projects over a per iod of 14 years as par t of the Town’ s Go Avon Program at a cost of more than $120 mi l l ion dol l ars for road and t ra i l const ruct ion projects . Thi s included the des ign and const ruct ion of the Avon Avenue Br idge which INDOT was unable to bui ld in over 35 years due to the complex i ty of the project . Under my leadership, the project was des igned wi thin two years and completed wi thin 4. The complet ion of thi s impor tant project has changed the ent i re complex ion of the Town. Recent ly I lead the implementat ion of the Town’ s f i rst Recreat ion Impact Fee which has a l lowed the town to ra i se over $4,000,000 over the l ast 10 years , which has a l lowed the Town to expand our parks by purchas ing addi t iona l park l and and bui lding mi les of new t ra i l s to connect the communi ty, prov ide recreat ion oppor tuni t ies , and improve qua l i ty of l i fe. As Town Manager , I am look ing forward to leading the Town into the future. In my opinion, Avon i s the best Communi ty in Hendr icks County. We are going to do thi s by work ing and improv ing rel at ionships wi th the Township, School Corporat ion, Hendr icks County, and the Library, di vers i fying the tax base and br inging indust r i a l development a long Rona ld Reagan Parkway and CR 100 S, and increas ing qua l i ty and standards for development to name a few.

We are Avon, and we are One Strong Communi ty !

rcannon@avongov.org 317-272-0948


Hosted by the Town of Avon at the Avon Hendr icks Regional Heal th parking lot .

Every Tuesday June 1st through September 14th, 2021 f rom 4-7 pm. South Park ing Lot of the Avon Hendr icks Regiona l Hea l th Bui lding 8244 E US Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123




For the seventh t ime, Avon has been named one of the Best Communi t ies for Mus ic Educat ion in the US by the Nat iona l Associ at ion of Mus ic Merchants Foundat ion (NAMM) , recogni z ing commi tment and suppor t to mus ic educat ion and the benef i ts i t of fers to a l l students !

Why i s mus ic educat ion so impor tant? According to NAMM, par t icipat ion in mus ic educat ion:

improves how the bra in processes speech, increases the l i kel ihood of graduat ing high school ,

boosts col lege at tendance rates , improves everyday l i stening sk i l l s , enhances at tent ion and memory, improves l i felong neura l process ing of sound, develops conf l ict resolut ion abi l i t ies , hones teamwork sk i l l s , and helps mus ici ans learn how to gi ve and recei ve const ruct i ve cr i t ici sm.




By John Taylor | Economic Development Di rector j taylor@avongov.org

Exci t ing happenings about to burst onto the scene in Avon. As you a l l know, our town has grown s ince i ts beginnings in popul at ion, hous ing, and reta i l shopping. Where we haven’ t shown much growth i s in the area of investment in the communi ty f rom companies outs ide of Avon. We l ack the companies that prov ide jobs and investments that help to lower taxes and of fer employment oppor tuni t ies to our ci t i zens . Thi s year , we wi l l begin to see indust ry-bui lding faci l i t ies in Avon that wi l l of fer new work poss ibi l i t ies , new taxes in the town, and proper ty tax changes on the proper t ies where they wi l l bui ld. Avon wi l l see new s igns go up where new bus iness parks wi l l begin. On 100S, a group known as Chicago Indust r i a l , in the new Avon Logi st ics Park , wi l l open up 500 acres for new bus iness oppor tuni t ies . As you may know, 100S i s undergoing a t ransformat ion of i ts own to accommodate the new t raf f ic that thi s park wi l l br ing. Over the next 10 years , thi s proper ty wi l l prov ide oppor tuni t ies for up to 2,500 people to work in Avon. A lot of these jobs wi l l be f i l led by people l i v ing in Avon who now leave the county to go to work every day. Thi s wi l l a l so open up oppor tuni t ies for students who do not intend to cont inue thei r school ing past high school . .


We are a l so wa i t ing for the groundbreak ing for a new Costco that has chosen Avon over a number of other communi t ies for a new locat ion. Being s i tuated di rect ly across f rom Andy Mohr Toyota, thi s new development wi l l a l so have the oppor tuni ty for s i x addi t iona l bus inesses on US36 whi le leav ing space for another reta i l space in the back end of the development . And whi le you are on US36, watch as a new restaurant or two come out of the ground in f ront of Sator i Point . One restaurant , Cooper ’ s Hawk , wi l l be f ine dining and the other wi l l be one that many of our ci t i zens have eaten in as they have t raveled around the Midwest . Zaxby ' s !

Please keep watching as there may be some other announcements before the year i s over . We are work ing hard to help grow the communi ty wi th an eye to the future.


Join the Avon Parks depar tment a long wi th Al l Ter ra in Landscape and Snow Management in learning what i t takes to operate backhoes , Track loaders , l awn equip and much more on a fun- f i l led day! Thi s event i s for chi ldren and (adul t chi ldren) a l i ke. You get to s i t on equipment , take pictures and see what i t takes to be an equipment operator and k ids are encouraged to pl ay in the di r t when there. Heck : k ids can even br ing thei r own toys as wel l ! ! There wi l l be ref reshments too! Come join us ! Thi s i s a f ree event scheduled for June 19th f rom 9am-11am. No registrat ion requi red.



Counci l Vice President on Fami ly, Food, and Service

We' re a blended fami ly and we spend a lot of ef for t managing schedules , resources , and l i fe in genera l . . . l i ke I imagine near ly everyone el se in our communi ty does . Managing the schedule i s an impor tant par t of mak ing i t a l l work . We spend fun t ime together wi th games or mov ie nights . Our favor i te fami ly game i s probably Clue. Alex i a, our 16-year-old daughter , has f ina l ly beat Dad and I 'm sure she would say that makes her pret ty speci a l . We spend a s igni f icant amount of t ime get t ing k ids to/ f rom school , dance, work . . . not to ment ion our own jobs as wel l . I wi l l admi t that we make sure to block of f t ime for each other . We have a week ly f i x for our fami ly favor i te La Hacienda for dinner (Chicken chimichanga or a chur r iqueso i s the go- to) and whatever new show or t rue-cr ime drama i s on thi s week . I do bel ieve in serv ice to a common and greater good. I t was my ma in dr i ver for enl i st ing in the Army. To gi ve back to my count ry and to serve a role not many are wi l l ing or capable of doing. Serv ing '00- '04 on act i ve duty, and '05- '06 on dr i l l ing reserve. I am wi l l ing to sacr i f ice some of my fami ly t ime to do what I can to make thi s the best pl ace to ra i se our chi ldren. Af ter a l l , that ' s why my fami ly and I are here. Thi s i s our home. My chi ldren are growing up here and I want them to have the best I can prov ide. Li ke a pol ice of f icer or f i ref ighter or teacher , we somet imes have to gi ve more than we'd l i ke to in order to accompl i sh something for the greater good. The town counci l i s how I cont inue my serv ice to my count ry- by serv ing my communi ty.



25 Years of Service

H I RED MAY 20TH 1 9 9 6

6th - Therapeut ic Ar t* 8th - Pigs and Cof fee 8th - Yoga in the Park* 13th - Town Counci l wi th a work sess ion 13th - Therapeut ic Ar t* 20th - BZA Meet ing 20th - Therapeut ic Ar t* 22nd - Yoga in the Park* 27th - Town Counci l 27th - Therapeut ic Ar t*

1st - Farmers Market 4th - Concer t by the Creek 5th - Yoga in the Park* 8th - Town Counci l wi th a work sess ion 8th - Farmers Market 15th - Farmers Market 17th - BZA Meet ing 19th - Di r t Works 19th - Yoga in the Park* 22nd - Farmers Market 24th - Town Counci l 29th - Farmers Market

( * = Requi res registrat ion )


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