The first Avon E-Newletter is available now! Topics include... - Town Manager Ryan Cannon - Farmers Market Info - Avon Schools Performing Arts - Artists in Avon (Karabeth Narvell) - Economic Development Updates - Avon Parks Announcements - Council Corner with Ropert Pope - Upcoming Events Calendar
AVON INDIANA POLICE HOST NATIONAL NIGHT OUT TO RECORD NUMBERS See photos f rom the event and spot your f r iends ALARM PERMITS Learn about what you need a permi t for and how to obta in them
AVON NOVA WINNER August 2021 winners Suzy & Joe Wa l ton
I was able to at tend Nat ional Night Out on August 3rd held at the Lowes Parking Lot and was able to ass i st in the di st r ibut ion of hot dogs to at tendees . I enjoyed the oppor tuni ty to help and was proud of how the event por t rayed the Town and Pol icing in a pos i t ive l ight . I was t ruly moved by the output of suppor t in the Avon Communi ty for Law Enforcement . Thank you to al l that at tended and par t icipated in the event . I f you mi ssed i t , I hope that you can join us next year . I t i s impor tant to our communi ty and our Pol ice Depar tment to stay connected. I t i s easy for us as res idents to forget that every day when we are going about our rout ine act ivi t ies that we are able to do them because the Pol ice are out there protect ing us . Thank you, Avon Pol ice Depar tment !
Const ruct ion on CR 100 S i s progress ing on schedule and i s f inal ly star t ing to look l ike a road. Many people don’ t recogni ze i t but a large por t ion of const ruct ion occurs underground where you can’ t see i t . Thi s underground work i s the foundat ion that the road i s bui l t on. Wi thout i t the f ini shed product l ike curbs , asphal t , grass and landscaping would crumble and fal l apar t . That underground work i s f inal ly winding down so people wi l l star t to not ice the more exci t ing por t ion of the project being done. We appreciate everyone’ s pat ience as we complete thi s ext remely impor tant project . When complete, i t wi l l be an incredible new asset to the communi ty and wi l l have a profound impact on improving t raf f ic f low for East/West t raf f ic. Over the last 5 years the Town has purchased several new park proper t ies . Several of them are in the des ign process and new improvements are just around the corner in 2023. The Town al so added 35 more acres to our inventory in the last 60 days . The new proper ty i s on the west s ide of CR 625 E and connects to the Town Hal l Park. We are very for tunate to have acqui red i t and are grateful to the Summer lot Fami ly for sel l ing i t to us . We can’ t wai t to reveal i t to the publ ic. I t i s going to be a fantast ic park. The proper ty has a smal l lake, rol l ing hi l l s , and incredible views . The Whi te Lick Creek runs along the west s ide of the proper ty. Purchas ing the proper ty wi l l al low the Town to connect the Whi te Lick Creek Trai l to the Town Hal l Park wi thout cross ing US 36 in the future. Over the next year we wi l l be developing a master plan for the park and we look forward to get t ing feedback f rom the publ ic as our vi s ion for the proper ty makes i ts way to paper .
Interested in being featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Emai l your ar twork (paint ing, photography, digi tal , crayons , etc) to and include your ful l name, age (al l ages welcome! ) , and t i t le of the ar t piece. "RUSTIC BEAUTY"
Hosted by the Town of Avon at the Avon Hendr icks Regional Heal th parking lot .
Every Tuesday June 1st through September 14th, 2021 f rom 4-7 pm. South Park ing Lot of the Avon Hendr icks Regiona l Hea l th Bui lding 8244 E US Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2021 Thank You Avon!
We would love to hear f rom you al l about the good people in Avon Indiana. These do not have to be giant moments of over-the-top greatness . Goodness to each other happens through the smal lest interact ions most t imes . Throughout each month we wi l l be reviewing submi ss ions and awarding these amaz ing AVON|NOVA folks wi th a special thank you, and shar ing thei r story wi th you al l . I t ’ s too easy to focus on the bad in the wor ld, i t ’ s t ime now to l i f t up the good.
Please feel f ree to submi t mul t iple people i f you des i re, just remember that no act i s too smal l . We are one st rong, proud communi ty! > ' I Want To' > 'Submi t an AVON|NOVA Nominat ion'
Yard Signs
YOU CAN > Place a yard s ign on your proper ty. YOU CAN'T > Place a yard s ign in a median, roundabout , or publ ic r ight of way. ( Town Zoning Ordinance Sect ion 18-3 ) Trai lers YOU CAN > Park a t rai ler on a hard sur face. YOU CAN'T > Park your t rai ler on grass , in a s ide yard setback, or blocking ent ry to a garage. ( Town Zoning Ordinance Sect ion 15-9 ) Fences YOU CAN > Apply for a fence permi t and bui ld a fence af ter obtaining permi t . YOU CAN'T > Bui lding a fence in a drainage easement , or wi thout a permi t . ( Town Zoning Ordinance 13-5 ) Fowl/Backyard Chickens YOU CAN > Have two adul t backyard chickens and thei r chicks . YOU CAN'T > Have 10 adul t chickens in a res ident ial zone. ( Town Code §6-30 ) Dog walking YOU CAN > Walk your Dog through your neighborhood on a leash. YOU CAN'T > Al low your Dog to run around wi thout a leash. ( Town Code §6-21 )
By Daniel Lorentz | Code Enforcement Planner
Submi t ted by Br i t tany, August 2021 we recogni ze Suzy and Joe Wal ton. Br i t tany stated that Suzy and Joe are sel f less individual s , and they go above and beyond to help anyone t ime and t ime again. Suzy has been Br i t tany’ s babys i t ter for over 6 years , and there are mul t iple occas ions where Suzy and Joe have gone and bought clothes for kids when thei r parents were st ruggl ing. I f they not ice a parent i s overwhelmed wi th l i fe, they of fer to keep them for some ext ra t ime so the parent can get a break. One t ime, they went above and beyond when a young gi r l in the communi ty commi t ted suicide. They took the lead at the celebrat ion of l i fe helping things run smoothly. You don’ t have to ask for anything wi th Suzy and Joe around, thi s “dynamic duo” just steps in and knows exact ly what to do. When COVID happened, Br i t tany got cal led to work in the hospi tal to help as a nurse. Suzy and Joe dropped thei r camper of f in her dr iveway so she could shower wi thout having to wor ry about taking the germs ins ide her house. They kept her kids the night af ter she would work so she could decompress . Suzy and Joe just took cont rol of the s i tuat ion and let Br i t tany know how they were helping. I f everyone in Avon were as car ing as these two, our town would be s imply amaz ing! Suzy and Joe, thank you for being a shining l ight in thi s wor ld. Thank you for car ing for those that need i t wi thout asking. Thank you for suppor t ing our heal th care workers when they were suppor t ing us . Thank you for teaching and car ing for the chi ldren of the communi ty, and showing them the values of being a good and decent human.
On behal f of the ent i re Town of Avon, thank you Suzy and Joe Wal ton, and we present thi s cer t i f icate of recogni t ion and award to you both for t ruly being an AVON|NOVA.
Interested in being featured in the Avon E-News let ter? Emai l your ar twork (paint ing, photography, digi tal , crayons , etc) to and include your ful l name, age (al l ages welcome! ) , and t i t le of the ar t piece. "COLOR SCAPE 2"
Avon is amazingly beautiful . In order to keep it that way, we need all Avon residents and business owners to keep the trash in appropriate receptacles. The Town invests money and time trying to keep the Town looking good and differentiating itself from everywhere else. We ask residents to help us by not throwing trash out the window, or on the ground. It's actually cheaper for you to take it home and throw it away in your trash can than throwing it out your window and the Town paying for someone to pick it up.
We appreciate everyone’s help in making Avon a better place to live.
The Avon Pol ice Depar tment i s cur rent ly accept ing appl icat ions for ful l t ime of f icer pos i t ions . The deadl ine to apply is September 17th 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Test ing wi l l begin wi th phys ical agi l i ty test ing and a wr i t ten exam on September 18th 2021 at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in Plainf ield. Interviews are s lated for October 5th through October 7th 2021 at the Avon Pol ice Depar tment .
https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN > Avon Pol ice Now Hi r ing
I f you are new to Avon or planning on instal l ing an alarm system, Avon Town Ordinance, 4-24, states al l res idences or bus inesses who have an alarm system must obtain an Alarm Permi t f rom the Town. Res ident ial permi ts are $50 for a two-year permi t and Bus iness permi ts are $50 for a one-year permi t . Alarm Permi t appl icat ions can be found at the Towns webpage, or on the town' s Linkt ree page.
https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN > Alarm Permi ts 2021
https://l inktr .ee/TownOfAvonIN
4 - 3rd Annual Yoda the Teacup Chi 5K
7 - Town Counci l Meet ing wi th work sess ion 8 - Movies on the Hi l l (Tom and Jer ry) 11 - TOWN HALL CLOSED 16 - Harvest Time Hay Ride 21 - BZA Meet ing 21 - Town Counci l Meet ing 23 - Wi tch' s Ride Avon & Communi ty Trunk-N-Treat 31 - Hal loween
6 - TOWN HALL CLOSED 7 - Avon Farmers Market 9 - Town Counci l Meet ing wi th work sess ion 14 - Avon Farmers Market 16 - BZA Meet ing 17 - Movies on the Hi l l (Raya: The Last Dragon) 23 - Town Counci l Meet ing 25 - Avon Communi ty Her i tage Fest ival 27 - Plan Commi ss ion Meet ing
These are just some of the things happening in Avon. Visi t > ' I Want To' > 'View Events ' for more! AVON E-NEWSLETTER | PAGE 16
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